Saturday, 9 June 2012

Five hours on the allotment and still loads more to do

At last we have been able to get outside and work on the allotment, after so much rain recently, the ground has been unworkable. Finally today we left here at 10 a.m. and returned at 3 p.m.  I have put in the runner beans, some cauliflower, chard, sweet corn, broad beans and two pumpkins.  The weeds are growing fast with all the rain and all the work done a few weeks ago has been wasted, as the weeds are up again.

The bed here has the cauliflower in, I read recently if you put rhubarb leaves on the surface of the soil it helps to prevent club root, which I do know we have on part of the plot, so I thought I'd give it a go and see what happens, the rest of the rhubarb will go in a pie for dinner tonight!  The second bed only has the cat mint in, its clear and ready for my broccoli and red cabbage, I hope to put that in sometime next week.  The broad beans are in the next bed, I've experimented with the way I stake them this year as last year they took up all of my canes, staking them singly.  This time I've staked the ends of the rows and wound string from one stake to the other at each end then tied in every bean, will it work I wonder.

The neighbours plot is disgraceful, it makes me so annoyed that people are allowed to let their plots get in this state.  Since they took it on last autumn they have hardly done a thing. No vegetables or flowers are growing on the plot.  I am sure there is someone out there who badly wants a plot and can't get one, someone who would be glad of this plot and enjoy working on it and growing their own lovely fresh veg. What a waste!

Just look at this

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Our Jubilee Tea Party

To celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee our local school had a parade around the neigbourhood yesterday at 11.30.  I did not want to miss the children in their Jubilee outfits, so I asked a few neighbours if they would join us on the front drive for a cup of tea and a cake and to watch the parade at the same time. They all thought it was a great way to join in the celebrations.

We set out tables and chairs Margaret made a cake and Michelle brought some red, white and blue cup cakes, David next door put up some bunting across the gardens and I made the tea and scones.  We settled down to a tea party and a grand view of the parade. Everyone had a really enjoyable time.  The children cheered and waved their flags, so many stopped to say hello.  It was great as all the passers by and many of the teachers spoke to us and everyone was taking pictures.  
Thank you Coppice School, let us know when you have another parade and we will be there to watch.

Everything in the garden is growing nicely

After a week of sunshine last week, the flowers are beginning to look good.  There are so many in bloom at long last this year.  But the weather changed at the start of the week and the rain has been very heavy at times.  The courgettes I put out in a tub by the back door have doubled in size in just a few days, we will be eating them before long!!!
Some of the flowers

Remember Azaleas need a lot of water all year round.
Hiding behind the Valerian I found this lovely bulb.
This Aquilegia has been in bud for so long, I'm so pleased it is finally in flower

The garden needs a lot of work doing in it, its a mess, before I take any more photos, my plan is to get out there between the showers and tidy it.