On Sunday 29th April, I went to collect the latest members of our family. Six lovely Light Sussex Hens. There are so many hens in the run now, its hard to get them all together at the same time for a photo shoot!! They have settled in well and all seem to be getting on together OK. They have however decided that they can fly over the 6 foot fence into the garden. We put up some netting over the top of the run so they stay inside where it is safer. It also stops the pigeons from coming into the run and eating their corn.
I have only to go out into the garden and they all come running up to the fence to see me, it must be something to do with all the food I give them, they love dandelion leaves and scraps. Three of them have started to climb onto the smaller hen house when I'm at the top of the garden working in the potting shed, Olive Oil our lovely old hen who died last year, always kept me company when I was working, she sat on the roof of the hen house watching me potting and planting whenever I was in the potting shed. I miss her, but I think these three will be my new companions.
Looking at the bigger hen house, it has become very shabby recently its about 12 years old, so after a visit to the Malvern Spring Show last week, where we looked at some new hen houses, we have decided to treat our lovely girls to a new home.
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