Saturday, 6 October 2012

Everything I stitch 'seams' to be blue

Everything I am sewing at the moment has a blue theme.  The work for my City and Guilds submission pieces have the theme of Moody Blues.  And when I look at all the things I have stitch over the last few weeks, the blue theme is in every thing.

This 1947s jacket is a Vogue pattern, but I have modernised it with a 2012 twist, its made from curtain fabric because I could not find any blue wool at the time and all the seam lines are piped, it took a long time to do, but it looks great on.

Now I just need something to wear it with and somewhere nice to go.

Working on my City and Guilds

I'm making a jacket, waistcoat and trousers, all in blue for my City and Guilds, I have enjoyed making lots of sample garments before I settled on the final design ideas.
This is the waistcoat pattern all drafted out, tested out on a sample waistcoat and ready to cut out.
After my trip to the Birmingham Museum in May to see the exhibition 'Style Africa' I have wanted to find some African prints to work with.  I was really pleased when I found these fabrics from The African Fabric Shop at the NEC when I went to the Quilt Exhibition there in August.  I chose four different prints and aim to put them together into a patchwork jacket.  I will add more photos as the work progresses.

New Tailoring Course

Three weeks ago I started to revise my gent's tailoring skills, doing another course with Doreen again, to refresh my men's tailoring knowledge.  I learnt to make clothes for men with Doreen nearly 20 years ago at a local sewing class she was teaching.   I've been busy at school for many years and not really done much men's sewing for a while.  So I decided it was time to have ago again, and who better to teach me! So I made enquiries and joined a class she is now running, for one afternoon a week, photos to follow, to chart my progress on the first of what I hope will be many future garments.


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